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I bring a wealth of knowledge on local neighborhoods and communities you are considering calling home. I strive to provide exceptional service every step of the way and an unrelenting commitment to understanding your needs and ensuring your satisfaction, so I can provide you with a real estate experience that exceeds your expectations.
Local Market Knowledge
You need someone who knows this area inside and out! I can work with you to find the right home at the right price for you, including all the neighborhood amenities that matter.
Selling Your Home
When it's time to move, you need someone who markets your home, knows how to find the right buyer, negotiate on your behalf, oversee the inspections, handle all necessary paperwork and supervise the closing. I take care of everything you need, from start to close.
Timing Is Everything
Whether you are looking for a new home or thinking about selling your current home, call me today. I will put my expertise to work to provide you guidance and advice on what you need to know to make the best possible decision for your real estate needs.
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We are an awesome agent team! With over 30 years of experience working with first time buyers, investors, home owners, seniors and buyers new to the area, we can help you get all your needs met. We'll answer every question you have within 24 hours. Email or call at any time!
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East lake Real Estate is the premier local real estate company serving the King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties.
- Rated in the top 1% out of 540 Local Listing Brokers in a 9 State network
- First Time Homebuyers - 3-1/2% down FHA
- Specialists inHUD, Bank Owned & REO properties
- 100% Customer Satisfaction